Man vs. Machine: Can AI Transcribe Win/Loss Interviews Better Than A Human Service?
We compared two human-based transcription services and four machine-powered ones, paying special attention to accuracy, readability, and confidentiality. In our test, AI won. We explain the details of our experiment and how we reached this verdict.
August 8, 2023
Data-Driven Storytelling: How to Use Data to Create More Meaningful Content
Assumptions and anecdotes make waste. For efficient growth, your targeting and messaging must be backed by relevant and timely data.
June 30, 2023
Win/Loss Analysis Software Can Make You More Efficient and Effective: Here’s How
Software can make the whole Win/Loss Analysis process more efficient. Here's how you can automate the process today, and how AI will change everything.
April 25, 2023
Sales Win Loss Analysis: Why Data-Driven Leaders Are Leveling Up
Sales win loss analysis helps leaders make data-driven decisions. What’s working and where can we double-down? What isn’t working, and how do we fix it?
April 14, 2023
Win/Loss Analysis Reports: 3 Things You’ll Learn
Which aspects of your product offering and buying experience are helping drive sales? And which aspects are hindering sales? This is what enterprise and mid-market software companies often struggle to understand. A good win/loss analysis report will provide the answers to these questions.
February 10, 2023
Three Reasons Sales Leaders Want Even More Data About Their Buyers
While B2B sales teams are literally swimming in data, it’s not enough. Data-driven sales leaders are using input directly from buyers to find new ways to improve win rate and lead with conviction.
September 9, 2022
Data Driven Targeting And Messaging Increases Profitability
Sales and marketing are typically the largest area of spend for an expansion stage company. Marketing leaders can support increased profitability by reassessing who the strongest buyers are, and developing innovative and data driven ways to target them.
July 29, 2022
A Win/Loss Survey Can Provide Early Warning Of Competitive Threats
When a competitor realizes their win rate against you is increasing, they’ll look for ways to take market share from you. With an early warning about their gains against you, there’s time to prepare a defense that reduces the market share loss.
April 22, 2022
How To Get Product And Sales Aligned With Win-Loss Analysis
Technology markets change quickly. The buyers of today are unlikely to have the same needs and priorities and expectations as the buyers of even a year or two ago. So how should we collect feedback from prospective buyers and incorporate it into our roadmap?
February 17, 2022
How Bad CRM Data Undermines Competitive Advantage
The CRM should provide the market data that is needed to inform decision making and counterbalance overconfidence. But too many CRM implementations are contaminated with bad data.
October 8, 2021
How The Buyer Sees It: No Business Case, No Decision
How well do you support a technologist without a business case? If you're looking to reduce the "no decisions" in your enterprise pipeline, dig here.
September 2, 2021
How The Buyer Sees It: How Much Do Tech Analysts Influence Decisions?
How influenced are your buyers by tech analysts like Gartner and Forrester and consulting firms like KPMG, EY, Deloitte, and Accenture? Said another way, how much should I as an enterprise software CMO invest here?
July 23, 2021