AI won in our test of 6 transcription services

Man vs. Machine: Can AI Transcribe Win/Loss Interviews Better Than A Human Service?

AI transcription of win/loss interviews can be one-tenth the cost and 96%…

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Win/Loss Analysis Software Can Make You More Efficient and Effective: Here's How

Win/Loss Analysis is a bottom-up, inductive methodology for identifying and…

Looking out over the crowd to see what's working and what isn't

Sales Win Loss Analysis: Why Data-Driven Leaders Are Leveling Up

Sales win loss analysis helps sales leaders make data-driven decisions. What’s…

Win/Loss Analysis Reports: 3 Things You'll Learn

Marketers test every aspect of their campaigns to determine what’s working, and…

Three Reasons Sales Leaders Want Even More Data About Their Buyers

Sales in the 21st century is all about the data. Sales teams source, record,…

Data driven targeting improves profitability

Data Driven Targeting And Messaging Increases Profitability

Profitability is in. Growth at any cost is out. This puts sales and marketing…

A Win/Loss Survey Can Provide Early Warning Of Competitive Threats

We have many excellent tools for gathering and analyzing competitive…

How To Get Product And Sales Aligned With Win-Loss Analysis

In the early days of my career as a B2B product manager, I found it tricky to…

How Bad CRM Data Undermines Competitive Advantage

Confidence is a riddle. We want our leaders to be confident, yet overconfidence…

How The Buyer Sees It: No Business Case, No Decision

The champion in a B2B software client’s won deal: “The [category]…